Ultima modifica: 13 Ottobre 2018
Liceo Scientifico Statale "Filippo Lussana" di Bergamo > News > ERASMUS+ SLOVACCHIA 30 SETTEMBRE – 6 OTTOBRE 2018


Nella settimana dal 30 settembre al 6 ottobre scorso si è svolto a Topol’ḉani in Slovacchia il secondo meeting del Progetto Erasmus +. Un gruppo di sette studenti delle classi 4E e 4C, accompagnati dai prof. Locatelli e Vitali, hanno condiviso un ricco programma di approfondimento e scambio sul tema “ Your rights are my rights for an inclusive education”. Alleghiamo le testimonianze di Francesca Ariano, Emma Fustinoni, Giulia Pezzotta, Linda Caporaso, Davide Piccinini, Viviana Capelli e Adriana Coronel.



Last week some classmates of mine and I went to Slovakia for the Erasmus + project, which consists of a cultural exchange with students from Spain, Slovakia and Turkey.
On Sunday 30th we flew to Bratislava and then took the bus to the town of Topol’čany. From here my host family drove me to their house in a village near the town. It was in the countryside and surrounded by fields and a beautiful clear sky. My new family welcomed me in such a friendly way that I immediately felt at home!
The next day we went to the Town Hall in Topol’čany, where we met the Mayor of the town and  He did a welcoming ceremony. We were offered a buffet and then in an international atmosphere we worked on designing  t-shirts with the logo of our project. We had  lunch at the school canteen and in the afternoon the Slovak students  accompanied us on an orientation tour of Topol’čany .

On the third day we went to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, where we had a sightseeing tour on the Oldtimer Train “Prešporáčik” and stopped to see the Castle. After lunch we visited the Parliament, where a guide informed us  about the different political parties. It followed a very interesting activity: a debate with a member of the Parliament who gave us an account of human rights in Slovakia, from women’s rights to disables’ rights, and whether they are respected or not. Furthermore, he talked about populism and its relationship with social media.
The next morning we visited the Holocaust Museum in Sered’, where there used to be a concentration camp. We first watched a video about a man who survived the Holocaust and went to Canada. Afterwards we had a guided tour through the exposition in the museum.
In the afternoon we visited Nitra and saw its castle with a local guide.
The next day Slovakian, Turkish, Spanish and Italian students did presentations about their cities and the topic of human rights and their violation in their countries. As a following activity we prepared some posters in groups about human rights concerning several topics such as  religion, family, education and women’s rights. In the afternoon we had free time in  the centre of Tpol’čany where there was the Town Festival.
On our last day we had a lecture with a psychologist about trafficking of human beings and also watched a documentary where victims of trafficking talked about their experiences. In the afternoon we had the closing ceremony and were given our certificates. We saw Slovakian students in their typical dresses dancing traditional music and then danced all together. Finally we had an international dinner, which was great fun.
I’m really thankful for taking  part in this experience, not only because I’ve learnt more about human rights, but also for every person I have been able to meet thanks to this project.
I’m very grateful to my host family, as they welcomed me with kindness and true affection and even gave me presents from Slovakia (some souvenirs and food). Now I’m more familiar with Slovakian dishes and language as well!
I’m also glad I  met boys and girls from Turkey and Spain, who were very nice to me too.
Of course this week was useful to practice my English, especially my speaking skills, and also a bit of Spanish.
Among all the activities we did, I liked the lecture about trafficking of human beings and the debate with the member of the Slovakian Parliament the most, as I found the topics particularly interesting.

So in conclusion I wish to thank everyone who has given me the opportunity to live this experience, especially my teachers and my hosts.
Francesca Ariano, 4C


Dear Slovak parents,

I would like to thank you for being so kind and hospitable to me.
Thank you, for always having made me feel at home as if I were a member of the beautiful family you are: I’m so grateful to you.
You did show me that having differences is not as relevant as accepting them, that we are beautiful ‘cause we are all different, that it does not matter where we come from or what time we usually have lunch .
You taught me that what does really matter is how you make a person feel and how you feel with her.
I will never forget the attentions you paid to me and the enthusiasm and honesty you welcomed me with.
I’m so thankful for this (for gulash and Borovička too) and I’m sure a part of my heart will stay here forever. I deeply hope to see you as soon as possible and to introduce you to my family.
I will wait for you in Italy.

Looking forward to hug you again.

Your Italian daughter



To my little but big man, my host brother aged 7:

Be ready ‘cause one day I will marry you . Love you my Slovak 7 year old prince


Emma Fustinoni 4C



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